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Role of IT in COVID 19 Crisis #DOTC_Mdb


Role of IT in COVID 19 Crisis.

Hello Everyone,


Today I am going to discuss how IT plays Vital Role in COVID 19 crisis. As we know before Corona Crisis almost everything depends on technology in several ways apart from education but nowadays thanks to technology as during Covid 19 crisis students are able to study online classes by using various application developed by Software companies. Apart from Education several of global companies depend on IT to run their critical operations and transformational projects. Corona virus crisis has taken the Industry by surprise and is probably the biggest ever challenge for whole world. I have no hesitation to tell you why Information Technology are important as Governments across the world are trying to ensure the safety of their citizens and provide support to people affected but due to technology there is not much impact on economy as people are able to work from home and getting the salary and organization are doing their work as usual due to technology only. Organization have quickly adopted work-from-home policies, using online meeting software’s and collaboration platforms to ensure employees stay  in home and continue operating business as usual. Many organizations have shifted to remote working models so that they just need to connect it remotely and do the work and organization do their business as usual. Apart from this in a global pandemic, technology tools have become key weapons for effectively monitoring and controlling disease outbreaks.

In this pandemic situation Data Analyst is creating large volumes of data for analyzing and tracking the disease and guide the response to find treatments to the health department. Application like Arogya Setu and other Application has been developed by Software Engineer  to track the counts of corona patient.

Lastly I would like to say that during this crisis information technology plays very important role in all the sectors including Education. Now we can say IT is  Backbone of the whole world as everything depends on IT and also Artificial Intelligence team are also working very hard to give some advance technology to health care team to track the patient in efficient way.


So Finally in one line I can say Software Industry are doing great job in this COVID 19 crisis and also working on multiple applications to make user friendly to peoples like us to explore the world by using internet and also for other sectors they provide platform so that they can easily work from home . Also for the students they are developing more user friendly software so that they can interact with teachers in proper manner.


So we need to Salute IT People as they are working hard for us in background. We are not thinking that they are corona warriors but they are real corona warrior as they are working 24 by 7 for every organization to support their business . Even for Banking , Telecom and other sector they are providing support in background from working anywhere across the world.


We need to thanks every IT Warriors for providing their full support in this COVID 19 Crisis for all the sectors across the world.Apart from all this IT Team are also working on various application to help people like us to do the things from home only in this crisis.


Today I have written this blog to show the importance of Information technology . Please go through this blog . In next Blog I will come up with next topic.







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