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Showing posts with the label Go to

GO to Statement in C #DOTC_Mdb

Go to Statement in C. Hi Everyone, Today we will discuss about go to statement in C which is rarely used in Program but sometimes we need to use this to jump statement in C. Before going through this blog please go through my previous C blogs for your reference so that you can easy to understand the program . You will find the blogs in archive folder from below blog: Let’s start with go to statement in C. goto statement in C is known as jump statement in C.   Go to statement is used to transfer the program control to a predefined . go to   also be used to break the multiple loops which can't be done by using a single break statement.   Go to statement is rarely used in program because it makes program confusing   and complex as the control of the program difficult to trace, so for testing it’s bit confusing. Defining go to we need to put label name and can use it in program Syntax of go to statement: label:  ...