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Showing posts with the label Oracle Stored Procedures

PL/SQL Procedure in Oracle Database and Advantages of Stored Procedures #Diksha Oracle Training Centre

  PL/SQL Procedure in Oracle Database and Advantages of Stored Procedures.   Hello Everyone, Today I will discuss about named Block in PL/SQL that is Stored Procedure However Named block in PL/SQL is Procedure, function, packages, trigger etc that I will cover in next blogs. In my previous Blogs we know about PL/SQL Anonymous Block, Cursors and %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attribute. PL/SQL blocks are of two types Anonymous Block and Named Block . Anonymous Block we already discussed in last blog Let’s Start with Procedure in PL/SQL before that you can go through my previous blog for your reference. Procedure in PL/SQL is database object which is mainly used for reusability in other word Procedure is as subprogram unit/module that performs a particular task. These subprograms are combined to form larger programs. This is basically called the 'Modular design'.Procedures can be invoked by another subprogram or program which is called the calling program. Procedure can be creat...