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Benefits of Scrum Methodologies in Agile Model #DOTC_Mdb

Benefits of Scrum Methodologies in Agile Model.


Hello Everyone,

Today we will discuss about Scrum Methodologies in IT Industry , In Agile we use  Scrum Methodologies to track the progress of the project and provide Higher Productivity to the clients. I will suggest you to please go through my below blogs of Agile and SDLC for better understanding.

If you go through above blogs you should have very clear about SDLC and different models used in Software development Cycle .

Let’s discuss about the importance of Scrum Methodologies in Agile Model. As we know Agile is a set of values and principles that describe a group's day-to-day interactions and activities. Whereas in  Scrum methodology it follows the values and principles of agile, but includes further definitions and specifications, especially regarding certain software development practices. Scrum emphasizes accountability, iterative, and teamwork progress toward a well-defined goal.

Scrum is an Agile process to focus on delivering the business value in the short time, Scrum delivers the software after each sprint. So In Agile we need to make weekly /Monthly sprint to track the status of the project and also we can see where we are so it’s good for team to improve if we behind somewhere in the projects , Also Scrum collaboration is achieved in daily stand up meetings. Scrum process design and execution can be innovative and experimental.

Benefits of Sprint Methodologies in any Organization

1. Higher Productivity.

2. Able to complete complex projects that previously could not be done .

3. Better Client/Customer Satisfaction.

4. Better Team Dynamics.

5. More alignment between business and IT.


In Simple way we can say Scrum is an agile framework that helps companies meet complex, changing needs while creating high quality products and services. Scrum works by delivering large projects in small chunks--bite-sized product increments that a cross-functional team can begin and complete the project in short period of time . Also through Scrum we can make several sprint which we generate on weekly basis and same we can provide the clients to see where we are. If any changes we can update the sprint sheet accordingly. Sprint is nothing we just prepare excel and updating the sheet on weekly basis where we define each tasks and put the efforts and accordingly create burn chart to see the progress and same we can present to clients so that client is aware about the progress of the projects. In Simple word as each product increment is completed, teams review the functionality and then decide what to create next based on what they learned and the feedback they received during the review from client and Manager. These frequent inspect and adapt cycles reduce waste and minimize risk. Teams can also inspect their use of Scrum, looking for ways to improve and at the end of each sprint teams begin a new iteration until they deliver the complete product or service to provide client needs.

Scrum team in a project work as a unit decides how to address issues and solve problems. Each member of the Scrum team is an integral part of the solution and is expected to start a product from inception to completion. Roles of a Scrum team in a project is as below :

Product Owner : Product Owner who is the overall mission and vision of the product which the team is building.  Product Owner is ultimately accountable for managing the product backlog and accepting completed increments of work. If any Backlogs he needs to tell the team to work on priority to complete the Backlog of the particular sprint.

Scrum Master : ScrumMaster ensures that the team adheres to Scrum theory, practices, and rules.  Scrum Master protects the team by doing anything possible to help the team perform at the highest level and also provide the update to Product owner .

Development Team : Development Team is a self-organizing, cross-functional group  with all kind of technical skills to deliver the project at the completion of each sprint. Scrum Master, tells the Development Team how to turn product backlog items on defined time .

Above three are the main role of Scrum Team.

Here we need to understand the sprint .  Sprints are usually 2-4 weeks long in particular projects but can be as short as one or two week. In Sprint we have Planning Sprint , Daily Stand up Meeting , Sprint Review etc . In Stand up meeting we have less time and need to update each and everything about the projects and if any changes needs to be done we need to update the same in the meeting before sprint review.

So finally we can say Scrum Framework usually deals with the fact that the requirements are likely to change or most of the time not known at the start of the project. Nowadays in Agile Model Scrum Methodologies are widely used in any organisation to track any information of the projects.

Note: Nowadays Scrum Methodologies are also used in Production Support Projects to keep Customer/Client updated about any change or release. Also during Knowledge Transfer from one team to another team we use Scrum Methodologies to track the progress of knowledge transition in short period of time. Scrum use Agile Methodologies to complete any project within timeline given by the customer.


Please go through this blog carefully and let me know if any questions as this methodologies widely used in organisation these days to full fill client requirement and deliver the product within given timeline or SLA (Service Level Agreement). Scrum Methodologies improves the higher productivity as compared to other model as in less period of time Scrum delivers the projects within given time. In next Blog I will come up with other interesting topic. I suggest you to please go through my previous blog of Agile model so it’s easy for you to understand Scrum Methodologies.



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