Important SQL Queries in SQL Part 6. In my previous blogs I discussed about several SQL queries which commonly used in SQL and today again I will discuss about some important queries in SQL . Before that I suggest you to go through my SQL and PL/SQL blogs in archive May and June folder for your understanding. I suggest you before Starting the queries please go through my blog Sub query /Co-related sub query and different logical operator for your understanding. 1. Co- Related Sub Query Example with other ALL operator : Let’s take an example for a typical sub query using ALL operator. In this example, we need to return the names of employee from department table whose salary is greater than the salary of all the employees in department 100. Below is the Query : SELECT emp_name FROM department WHERE Salary > ALL ( SELECT Salary FROM department WHERE Dept_no=100 ); Below is the output of above query: 2. Find the ma...
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