Conditional and Decision Making Statements in PL/SQL. Today, we will discuss conditions in PL/SQL block which can be used in Procedures, Functions etc. PL/SQL condition is vastly used in sub-programs were programmer can specify one or more condition evaluated by the program , along with a statement or statements to be executed if the condition is determined to be true it will execute that statement optionally we have option to execute other statements if condition false. In other word we can say Decision Making is just like condition based where if it satisfy the condition it will give the result else we can execute other statement in a program. Condition in PL/SQL is similar to other programming language like C++, Java etc. Types of Decision Making Statements in PL/SQL: IF-THEN IF-THEN-ELSE IF-THEN-ELSIF NESTED-IF CASE IF –THEN -- The IF-THEN statement is mainly used to execute a particular section of codes only ...
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