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Showing posts with the label exception handling in PL/SQL

Exception Handling in PL/SQL block and it's advantage #DOTC_Mdb

Exception Handling In PL/SQL. Today we will discuss about Exceptions Handling in PL/SQL block As we are already aware about PL/SQL block in my previous blogs so you can easily able to understand Exception Handling  .  Exception Handling can be used in Procedures, functions and sub-programs . So for reference of PL/SQL block and Procedures you can see my below blog.   First we should understand what is Exception .Exception is an error condition during a program execution , In other word we can say exception is an error which disrupts the normal flow of program instructions. PL/SQL supports developer to catch such errors/condition using EXCEPTION block in the PL/SQL program and can trace action against the error condition. There are Two Types of Exception in PL/SQL 1.   ...