Multi Dimensional Array in C. Hi Everyone, Today we will discuss about Multi Dimensional Array in C. In Previous blog we discussed about Array so before going through Multi Dimensional Array please go through my below blog first about one dimensional Array so that it’s easy for you to understand 2D array and 3D arrays. Let’s Discuss about Multi Dimensional Array now Creating Array of an Arrays in C is known as Multi-Dimensional Array .Multidimensional Array is of 2D array and 3D array . Two Dimensional (2D) array also known as Matrix . Matrix can be represented as table with rows and columns. Let’s understand the syntax of 2D array . Int x[3][4]; In Previous blog we already know about 1D array and it’s declaration here in 2D array we declare the array in same way with another [] assuming one for rows and another for column . Here, x is a two-dimensional (2d) array. The array ...
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