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Showing posts with the label PL/SQL Trigger

Triggers uses and Benefits in PL/SQL #DOTC_Mdb

Triggers uses and benefits in PL/SQL.   In Previous Blogs we gone through about PL/SQL blocks like Procedures, Cursors and Stored Function, Today I will give you overview about Triggers in PL/SQL. A trigger is a pl/sql block structure or a named block which automatically fires when DML statements like Insert, Delete and Update is executed on a database table. A trigger is triggered automatically when an associated DML statement is executed. Trigger is of two Types: 1.      Statement Level Trigger: In Statement level trigger an event is triggered for each sql statement executed. Statement level triggers executes only once for each single transaction.   2.      Row Level Trigger: An event is triggered for each row updated, deleted or inserted. Row level triggers executes once for each and every row in the transaction.   We will discuss both the trigger later, first we need to go to understand the syntax of Trigger in PL/SQL...