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Showing posts with the label Role of IT in COVID 19 Crisis

Role of IT in COVID 19 Crisis #DOTC_Mdb

  Role of IT in COVID 19 Crisis. Hello Everyone,   Today I am going to discuss how IT plays Vital Role in COVID 19 crisis. As we know before Corona Crisis almost everything depends on technology in several ways apart from education but nowadays thanks to technology as during Covid 19 crisis students are able to study online classes by using various application developed by Software companies. Apart from Education several of global companies depend on IT to run their critical operations and transformational projects. Corona virus crisis has taken the Industry by surprise and is probably the biggest ever challenge for whole world. I have no hesitation to tell you why Information Technology are important as Governments across the world are trying to ensure the safety of their citizens and provide support to people affected but due to technology there is not much impact on economy as people are able to work from home and getting the salary and organization are doing their work as usual due