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Role of Database Developer in IT Company #DOTC_Mdb

Role of Database Developer in IT Company.

Hello Everyone ,

In Previous blog we discussed about the role of Data Analyst and today I will discuss about the Roles and Responsibilities of Database developer in any Organisation. I suggest you to please go through my Oracle SQL, PL/SQL blogs in archive folder for better understanding.

About Database Developer:

Database Developers, also known as database programmers, are primarily responsible for creating and implementing computer databases. Database Developer determine the best database management system for a particular client, as well as test database programs for efficiency and performance and troubleshoot and correct problems. Database Developers are also responsible for data gathering before development of a database. DB developer design, develop, test, implement and maintain new and existing databases. Database developers create management methods and systems to access efficiently to information stored in databases. Database Developer also responsible for creating complex reports required by clients.  The main responsibility of a Database Developer is to analyze the data needs of a company and produce an effective database system to meet those needs. It requires knowledge of database administration software, programming languages, architectures, data models and data integrity practices.


Skills of Database Developer:

Database Developers to possess strong analytical, problem solving, organizational and problem-solving skills. Oral and written communication skills are must. Database Developers should be able to work within a team and also Independently, as they must often work out database solutions and test systems on their own. In addition to these specific professional and personal traits, potential employers might seek Database Developers who possess the below skills.

Applying technical design and development skills to the creation of database programs , analyzing existing databases and data needs of clients to develop effective systems.

Using knowledge of specific programming languages and codes.

Implementing processes for new databases

Troubleshooting and providing solutions for any bugs in new database applications

Below skills must require for database developer.

Knowledge of new and emerging technologies

Advanced SQL skills .

Advance PL/SQL skills.

Experience in teaching and mentor new developers within team.

Basic Database Administration knowledge .


Role of a  Database developer also includes the below things:

Designing and developing databases and data models.

Editing and/or modifying databases according to your business’ needs.

Maintenance of existing and new databases.

Fixing faults and/or “bugs” found in programming.

Providing Production support issues escalated by clients.

Database developer has a highly technical job that requires knowledge of industry-specific software such as Oracle,Sybase,DB2 and  SQL Servers, Database developer also must possess a great deal of creativity. It’s also important that they have soft skills such as collaboration, problem-solving and communication, as well as be team-oriented, as the position may require them to act as a buffer between database administrators and business users. Making use of database technology to gather, store and process information about clients, competitors and suppliers gives your business a distinct advantage. Database developer play vital role in IT organisation as they are the owner of database and if any issues comes related to data they are the concern person to take care as data is very important for client as well as for user interface , also sometimes for trend analysis clients need critical annual , monthly , weekly report from database developer.


I hope you are able to understand the roles and responsibilities of Database developer , If you want to become a good database developer then you should have good command over SQL, PL/SQL and basic DBA knowledge of any database like Oracle , Sybase , DB2 etc . If you want to learn this things please explore my SQL, PL/SQL blogs which you will able to find it in archive folders with examples.

Please go through this blog carefully and let me know if you have any questions on the roles of database developer. In next blog I will come up with another interesting topic.



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