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Benefits/Features of Oracle Database #DOTC_Mdb


Benefits/Features of Oracle Database.


Hello Everyone,

Today we will discuss about features of Oracle Database .There are many database available like Microsoft SQL server , DB2 , MYSQL etc but Oracle is one of the most secured database used in many domains like Banking, telecom etc as Oracle Database is the first database designed for enterprise grid computing, the most flexible and cost effective way to manage information and applications. There are several features available in Oracle database to write program in easy way and make program secure.Oracle Database is a simple, widely understood, unified data model. It is used as a standalone in many applications, but it is also invoked directly from Java (JDBC), Oracle Call Interface (OCI) and Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI). Stored packages, procedures, and triggers can all be written in PL/SQL or in Java.SQL and PL/SQL is the core of Oracle’s application development stack. Most enterprises run SQL in back-ends and Web applications accessing databases do so by utilizing SQL and PL/SQL. An Oracle server manages a huge amount of data in a multiuser environment so that many users can concurrently access the same data and all this is delivered with high performance. Prevention of unauthorized access and efficient solutions for failure recovery is also provided by Oracle server.

Below are the topics covered for Oracle Database .

Oracle SQL


Application Programming Languages (APIs)


Datatypes and Globalization

Below are the features of Oracle Database:

Scalability and Performance


Database Backup and Recovery

High Availability

Business Intelligence

Content Management


Data Integrity and Triggers

Information Integration


Oracle is Popular as it is the most flexible and cost effective way to manage information and applications  and is the first database designed for enterprise grid computing. Enterprise grid computing enables creation of large pool of industry standard, modular storage and servers. Oracle database uses to ease of data recovery when compare to other databases , also RDBMS system can easily handle large amounts of data. Also allows you to change the platforms at any time. Oracle database allows you to rerun actual production workloads, including online user and batch workloads, in test environments. It also allows If the primary database becomes unavailable, the standby database can act as a primary database. Nowadays Oracle databases mainly used in Banking, Telecom and chain Managements big projects in any organization. So if you are looking for job in IT industry as Database Developer, DBA etc you should have strong knowledge in Oracle SQL , PL/SQL and Oracle DBA parts.


Please read this blog carefully to know the benefits of using Oracle Database .To explore knowledge about Oracle SQL and PL/SQL with examples you can see my previous blogs which is available in my archive folder.


  1. Nice blog. Keep updating. Having certifications in Oracle Database provides top job profiles with high scale salary in hand. Get Oracle DBA Training in Chennai today!

    1. Thanks will keep updating the blogs on Oracle Database.

  2. Nice blog. Keep Updating. Oracle DBA- Data Base Administrator is high paying job in IT Industry. Being a certified oracle DBA person increases even more chances of filtering out your resumes. So, Get Oracle DBA Traning in Chennai

  3. Nice blog. Keep Updating. Oracle DBA- Data Base Administrator is high paying job in IT Industry. Being a certified oracle DBA person increases even more chances of filtering out your resumes. So, Get Oracle DBA Traning in Chennai


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