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Benefits of Computer Coding for School Kids #DOTC_Mdb

Benefits of Computer Coding for School Kids.

Hello Everyone,

Today I will discuss on different topic related to computer science only. As we all know in new Education System Coding is going to start in every school from class 6thonward. So we will discuss why kids should learn code. There are several reasons to learn programming as Programming helps children to learn problem-solving . Coding for kids is the collection of opportunities available for children to get involved in coding. These opportunities aim to be fun to keep the young mind engaged.  As we know computer machine understand binary digit only that is 0 and 1 but through Coding we can make it into readable format by using programming logic and also we can communicate with computers, and what we use to build and run websites, apps, games etc.

Let discuss Benefits of coding for School Kids, For starters, basic coding courses in schools provide students with how to develop their own websites, apps and computer software. Let’s understand what is coding first coding is basically used for communicating with computers. Programmer use coding to give computers and other machines instructions on what actions to perform. We use coding to program the websites, apps, and other technologies which we interact with every day . Software’s like whatsapp, facebook etc is done by coding only.

Benefits of kids learning the code is as below:

School kids can learn computational skills through Computer Coding: kids learn to read and write code, they develop Problem solving skills and learn a methodical, problem-solving process that is similar to a computer. Computational thinking can be applied to other situations aside from coding, as it is a way of thinking that solves logical problems.


School Kids learn to use logic: Program is set of Logic and logical thinking is required for coding. It consists of formulating step by step procedures to produce a desired outcome. It involves using expressions, selection, iteration, conditional and other logical statements. Coding teaches the kids to break down hard problems into several parts.

Structural Thinking:  School Kids can learn how to build small pieces of code to add up to the solution and make some user friendly interface.

Algorithm Thinking : Algorithm thinking  involves computational concepts like repetition, sequencing, and conditional logic. Kids can use algorithm all the time, without even knowing it, especially with math and science. it enables kids to break down problems and think of solutions to step-by-step procedure.

Mathematics uses of coding: Coding teaches kid to visualize abstract concepts by using math so let them apply math to real-world scenario, and makes math with fun.

Creativity : Kids learn through experimentation and strengthen their brains when they code which allowing them to be creativity.

Improve Confidence : They get confidence while building program as they learn problem-solving through coding and programming skills. Also Coding build soft skills.

Skills improvement: Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and it’s important for kids to understand and be able to innovate with the technology around them.

Career Opportunity : High demand for candidates with coding skills in the technical industry ,  mastering code at a young age allows kids to excel in any field they choose.

Communication : Coding teaches the kids  logical communication, strengthening both verbal and written skills. Learning code means learning a new language.


Analysis: Kids learn to persist if what they are creating is  working or not . They are compelled to analyze what is not working, why it is not working, and figure out how to correct it until it works.

Coding can make your child to decide his future career : Computer programming can be one the fastest growing and the most exciting profession nowadays, with the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, and robotics. Kids exposed to coding can develop the love or even the passion for it, and discover that it is what he wants to do in his life.

Finally , We can say learning code in small age improve your logical skills as well as your mathematical aptitude. Nowadays Digital technology is a big part of many kids’ lives, as they are surrounded by smart phones, video games, video entertainment, websites etc . What drives this technology are software or computer programs that are created by coding. Like learning about other subjects. They need to realize that what happens when they use technology is not magic, as he can understand he can do the same with using his coding skills.

Note : There are several coding languages like C, C++ , Java , Python etc you can start with but before starting any language you should have good logic to make the good Program. If you got good basic exposure on any of this language you will get an internship opportunity at young age from various MNC’S where you can excel your carrier and on same time you can able to continue your higer education and also get more advance knowledge on coding.

This Blog is important for young kids who wants to learn about computer coding . So please go through this blog and let me know if you have any doubts. Computer Language is Ocean so you can start with any one of Basic language and start some basic coding to apply your logic and make some programs. In next Blog I will come up with another interesting topic .



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