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Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Training Benefits in IT Industry #DOTC_Mdb

Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Training Benefits in IT Industry.


Hello Everyone,

Today I will give you update about the uses of Oracle SQL and Pl/SQL and benefits of Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Training in IT Industry. Oracle database is a very popular and secured database that is widely used across all multinational companies. Knowledge of SQL and PL/SQL is must because the demand for SQL and PL/SQL-expertise is high and it's give you advantage to get the job easily.

Oracle Databases Scope:

Database is always wanted technology in IT. In fact its growing tremendously as data is keep on increasing in all sectors like e-commerce, Banking, Telecom, SMAC etc. Oracle is no doubt a leader in Database industry. So SQL and PLS/SQL is all time a good technology to learn in IT career. As far I think, PL/SQL is still the most widely used languages in the IT industry, rather most of the IT operations depends upon it. It is going to be there for pretty long time unless something dramatic happens in IT world. However, you can think of picking some skills on Data Migration tools once you have good hands on experience in SQL and PL/SQL. In operation or Production Support Projects Database play important role in many ways like performance issues, data issues etc. If you work on live application and application get stuck anywhere due to database then database developer is responsible to find the root cause analysis and provide the update to client. If you working in Production support projects as L2/L3 Role then I can say you are the back bone of Application as everything depends on data and if there is any mismatch in data you need to analyze each and everything as a database developer. Issues related to database come in anyway and you need to be pro-active to fix the issue within the SLA (Service Level Agreement).

If you have good knowledge in Oracle SQL and PL/SQL you can work as Database developer, L3 Role in Production Support projects. Also if you feel like taking a break from the programming languages and coding you can also consider switching your domain into an analyst role where the outputs produced are worked upon and future business insights can be generated using analytical tools.

In Industry you can see different types of Database flavor like Oracle, DB2(IBM), Sybase(SAP), Microsoft SQL server. But almost all the database works play the same role as we discussed above but Oracle and Sybase is widely used in banking domain because of security purpose.

Hope you are able to understand the importance of Oracle and other database in IT industry. Database is a vast field so once you comfortable with SQL and PL/SQL you can easily move into data warehouse , DBA field to explore more opportunity in IT industry.  Tools like Informatica which is basically used for Mapping in database and tools like business object, cognos which used to generate reports from the database .You can easily jump into that field as well because you are well aware about the mapping of multiple tables as well as programming through PL/SQL so you can easily understand this type of tools and can jump into that field as well. So Finally I want to tell you if you get start in database you can make your carrier in different field like warehouse , data mining,  DBA etc as well.

Please go through this blog carefully and let me know if you have any questions.



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