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Latest Technologies In IT companies and Software Industry #DOTC_Mdb

We are starting a new blog series, where we will explain the latest technologies of software industry, which are very much in demand. These are also called "Hot skills".Companies happily hire people with such skills.

I have seen companies to provide training to their employees on these technologies, so if they find someone who is already having any or some of these skill set, it is win-win situation for candidate as well as for organization.

Following are the technologies/frameworks which are in very good demand, I have categories them:

Front end Technologies:

As we know Javascript is always in great demand,Based on Javascript these are the framework which is being used by most of the top companies.

Angular JS, React JS and Vue JS

Database Technologies:

Apart from Oracle  and Microsoft SQL Server, Mongo DB is the new which is getting very popular now a days. However Oracle is still a leader in database technologies.

Backend Technologies:

CRM and CMS are very much used like Salesforce,Adobe Experience Management(AEM), Sitecore CMS.

Node Js is another technology which is a hot skill in today's software development trend.

Cloud Computing

As IT experts says Cloud is the future, following are the  cloud based technologies which is very popular.

Amazon Web Services (AWS),Microsoft Azure, Google cloud

Dev-Ops Technolgies:

DevOps integrates developers and operations team to improve collaboration and productivity.

Kubernetes, Docker, EC2 these are the skill set being used mainley.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are others which are in great demand. 

Note : You will continue to see your technical blogs in other posts or so.


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