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Data Dictionary and its importance in Oracle Database #DOTC_Mdb

  Data Dictionary and its importance in Oracle Database.   Today I will discuss about Data Dictionary table in Oracle Database. Data Dictionary table provide information needed by those who build systems and applications that support the data. If you know the data dictionary table names you can able to see the objects present in the database as well as also you can able to see the design , relations etc by using Data Dictionary table. Let understand about Data Dictionary first. Data Dictionary: Most important parts of an Oracle database is its data dictionary, which is a read only set of tables that provides information about the database. In Oracle database data dictionary provide useful information about the database including schema, users, privileges etc. The values in these stored dictionaries are updated automatically by Oracle anytime a statement is executed on the server that modifies the data. Note: Read-only data dictionaries can be read and queried just...

Package in Oracle and it’s Advantage in PL/SQL Program #Diksha Oracle Training Centre

  Package in Oracle and it’s Advantage in PL/SQL Program. Hello Everyone, In my Previous Blogs I Discussed about Stored Procedures, Stored Functions, Cursor etc. Today we will discuss about Oracle Packages. Oracle Package plays very important role in PL/SQL program . Package we can say collection of Procedures , Functions , Cursor etc . In another word we can say A package is a schema object that groups logically related PL/SQL types, variables, and subprograms.   Packages usually have two parts: Package Specification and Package Body, Sometimes the body is not required .The specification is the main interface to the package. It declares the types, variables, constants, exceptions, cursors, and subprograms that can be referenced from outside the package. The body mainly defines the queries for the cursors and the code for the subprograms. PL/SQL Package is very important in Database and as mentioned above it contains multiple procedures , Functions, variables , cur...

Stored Function in Oracle Database and it’s benefit #Diksha Oracle Training Centre

                Stored Function in Oracle Database and it’s benefit. Hello Everyone, In my previous blogs we discussed about stored procedures and its attributes and benefits of using Stored Procedure in Databases. Today we will discuss about Stored Function. Stored Function is also named block like Stored Procedure a stored function is a set of PL/SQL statements you can call by name. Stored functions are very similar to procedures, except that a function returns a value. Stored functions must return a value whether condition is true or false, but in Stored procedure value should return only when condition is true.   Stored function only return one value, whereas in stored procedure if condition is true it can give you multiple record as well as multiple transaction. Stored Function can be used in Procedures, Packages as well as into select statement, but procedure can’t be called in select statement. Both Stored Procedures and functions ...

Object-Oriented Programming Concept and Oracle PL/SQL #Diksha Oracle Training Centre

  Object-Oriented Programming Concept and Oracle PL/SQL   Hello Everyone, Today I will discuss about the concept of Object-Oriented programming Concept. In object Oriented Programming (OOP) An Object is the key component of Object-oriented programming. An Object may contain data (fields or variables) or code (methods or procedures). The creation of these objects is based on a Class. There are four Types of Principle in Object Oriented Programming. 1. Inheritance: Inheritance is most important feature of OOP as it inherit the property of classes and object . In other word we can say Inheritance is the process of creating new classes from base classes where there is a relationship exists. The derived class extends from the base class in order to inherit its properties. Inheritance can be used for reusability purpose. 2. Polymorphism : Polymorphism means data into different form. Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. For example : Branch, Bra...

PL/SQL Procedure in Oracle Database and Advantages of Stored Procedures #Diksha Oracle Training Centre

  PL/SQL Procedure in Oracle Database and Advantages of Stored Procedures.   Hello Everyone, Today I will discuss about named Block in PL/SQL that is Stored Procedure However Named block in PL/SQL is Procedure, function, packages, trigger etc that I will cover in next blogs. In my previous Blogs we know about PL/SQL Anonymous Block, Cursors and %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attribute. PL/SQL blocks are of two types Anonymous Block and Named Block . Anonymous Block we already discussed in last blog Let’s Start with Procedure in PL/SQL before that you can go through my previous blog for your reference. Procedure in PL/SQL is database object which is mainly used for reusability in other word Procedure is as subprogram unit/module that performs a particular task. These subprograms are combined to form larger programs. This is basically called the 'Modular design'.Procedures can be invoked by another subprogram or program which is called the calling program. Procedure can be creat...