Stored Function in Oracle Database and it’s benefit.
Hello Everyone,
In my previous blogs we discussed about stored procedures and its attributes and benefits of using Stored Procedure in Databases.Today we will discuss about Stored Function. Stored Function is also named block like Stored Procedure a stored function is a set of PL/SQL statements you can call by name. Stored functions are very similar to procedures, except that a function returns a value. Stored functions must return a value whether condition is true or false, but in Stored procedure value should return only when condition is true. Stored function only return one value, whereas in stored procedure if condition is true it can give you multiple record as well as multiple transaction. Stored Function can be used in Procedures, Packages as well as into select statement, but procedure can’t be called in select statement. Both Stored Procedures and functions are stored in a compact compiled form. When called, they are loaded and processed immediately. Subprograms take advantage of shared memory, so that only one copy of a subprogram is loaded into memory for execution by multiple users. Procedures and functions defined within a package are known as packaged subprogram.
Creation of Stored Function is Similar
to Stored Procedure where we can create , modify , run and drop with SQL
command similar to what we use in Stored Procedure , only difference in stored
function is we need to put RETURN data type in CREATE statement while creating
the Stored function . The value returned by the function can be used directly
in the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE Statement.
Before we go to Syntax and example of Stored function , Please check my previous blogs for Stored procedures to understand easily as in Stored function we use same arguments like IN , OUT and attributes like %TYPE , %ROWTPE , Cursor etc. All this important parts mentioned in below blogs.
Syntax for Stored Function is as below
RETURN datatype
IS variable name data type
<declarations section>
<executable command(s)>
<exception handling>
RETURN variable name
Here you see it’s very similar block structure as we use in Stored Procedure only thing we need to include RETURN data type in CREATE statement while creating the Stored function . The value returned by the function can be used directly in the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE Statement by Execute command or we can also call this in SQL statement:
Simple Stored Function Example where we pass emp_id and get the salary:
IS v_salary NUMBER;
SELECT salary
INTO v_salary
FROM employee
WHERE emp_id = p_empid;
Here the get_salary function returns the
salary of a specified emp_id given by user.When you call the function, you must
specify the argument account_no as we put it in IN parameter, The datatype of
emp_id is NUMBER. The function returns the salary for particular employee id
passed by user. The RETURN clause of the CREATE FUNCTION statement specifies
the datatype of the return value to be NUMBER.
The function created above can be used
in a SQL statement.
SELECT get_salary(10002) FROM DUAL;
This will give you one result as
Function return only one value;
It will give you the salary for that
particular employee id. This is the main benefits of Stored function is that we can it in select statement but Stored
Procedure cannot be called in Select statement.
Another way to execute Stored Function
l_salary NUMBER;
l_salary := get_salary(2000);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary of given employee id is '|| l_salary);
This statement will also give you one result as Function return only one value.
Output of the above Stored Function is as below:
Removing Function we use Drop Statement as below
DROP FUNCTION get_salary;
Another Example of Stored Function:
Creating function to get_address from employee and
employee_details table against empid
Create or replace FUNCTION
get_address(v_empid IN NUMBER)
IS address_details VARCHAR2(160);
SELECT||' '|| a.address||' '||
||' '||b.state||' '||
INTO address_details
FROM employee a , employee_details b
WHERE a.emp_id = b.emp_id
AND a.emp_id = v_empid;
END get_address;
In above stored function we pass
v_empid as IN Parameter ,We can call
this function by using both select statements as well as call it from
dbms_output.put_line and also by using
EXECUTE command.
SELECT get_address(2000) FROM DUAL;
This will give you only 1 output
against the emp_id
Another way to execute this function
l_adress varchar2(160);
l_adress := get_address(2000);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Details are '|| l_adress);
This will also give you one result as function will give you only 1 result.
Output of above Stored Function is as
DROP FUNCTION get_address;
Now we are able to understand Stored Function
must return a value and can be used in select statement or we can execute
Stored Function by execute statement.
Note: We can call Stored Function in
Oracle packages as we can use it for reusability as it stored in database same
like stored Procedures.
· The function must
return a value but in Stored Procedure it is optional. Even a procedure can
return zero or n values.
Functions can
have only input parameters for it whereas Procedures can have input or output
Functions can be
called from Procedure whereas Procedures cannot be called from a Function.
As you all understand both Stored
Procedure and Stored function, Please try to write both stored Procedures and
Functions as much as you can so that it’s easy for you to understand Oracle Package
where we can use both Procedures and functions.
Please read this blog carefully and
let me know if you have any doubts on creating stored function. Also in
interview lots of question will be asked from Stored Procedures and Functions.
So you can explain easily now with some practical examples as you seen some
differences and similarities between Stored Procedure and Stored Function. In
next Blog I will come up with some more examples and differences between them.
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