Set Operator uses and Benefits in Oracle Database
Today we will discuss about different Set operators used in SQL
with examples. SET operator used to select data from multiple tables as Set
operators combine the results of two component queries into a single result.
Queries containing set operators are called compound queries.
Through SET Operator in SQL we don’t need to use Joins and make
alias of table to get the common record and all distinct row selected by query.
SQL Set Operators are of 4 parts which work similar to
Mathematics which we learn in class 10th or so.
Things to Remember while using SET operator:
Select clause should have the same number of columns and columns
must be of same data type, Column needs to be specified in the same order in
the select clause.
UNION: UNION set operator use to select all distinct rows
selected by either query. UNION returns all the unique rows returned from both
the queries. UNION set operator mainly used to combine the both select
statement result set and removes duplicate records between the tables. So it
returns distinct record.
Using tables we can use UNION set operator to see the result.
To see the distinct record from two tables we use below query to
get the data .
Select location from employee
Select location from department;
Output of the above query is as below:
Here you can see 7 distinct records from both the table as
Chennai was in Employee table and Ranchi was in Department table but we get all
the distinct records no duplicates. You can also select 2 or more column with
same data type to retrieve the data.
UNION ALL : UNION ALL : UNION ALL set operators mainly
use to select all rows selected by either query, including all duplicates. In
other way we can say UNION ALL combines the both SELECT statement result sets
and return as it is. So it can contain duplicate depends on the data
from the tables.
For Example we have location_name common in both table employee
and department . To see the records from both the tables by using UNION
ALL we use below query to get the data.
Select Location from Employee
Select Location from Department;
Output of the above query is as below :
Here we can see all the records from both the table , Also if we
have multiple duplicate records in column UNION ALL will display all that
records as well for example if Patna comes 2 times in Employee table and 1
times in Department table then it will give 3 Patna as output.You can also
select 2 or more column with same data type to retrieve the data.
Difference between Union and Union ALL is UNION returns the
distinct rows whereas Union all returns all the rows. So we need to be careful
while choosing these set operators.
INTERSECT: INTERSECT operator used to get all distinct rows
selected by both queries. INTERSECT mainly used to combines the both SELECT
statement data-sets and return the distinct common rows between the
statements. So If a record exists in one query and not in the other, it will be
omitted by using INTERSECT set operator.
For Example we have location_name common in both table employee
and department . To see the records from both the tables by using
INTERSECT we use below query to get the data.
Select Location from employee
Select location from department;
Here you are able to see the match records from both the table ,
not any unmatched records from both the tables . INTERSECT operator is
used to retrieve the common records from both the select clause of the
Intersect Operator while we have seen in UNION and UNION all it gives all the
records from both the tables.You can also select 2 or more column with same
data type to retrieve the data.
MINUS : MINUS Set Oprator get all distinct rows selected
by the first query but not the second. In other word It combines both
SELECT statement and return the rows which is selected from first
select statement and then remove from the data-set all the rows retrieved from
second select statement.
For Example we have location_name common in both table employee
and department . To see the records from both the tables by using MINUS
we use below query to get the data.
Select Location from employee
Select location from
Here we see only 1 record as this records not match in
department table so we get only 1 record.You can also select 2 or more column
with same data type to retrieve the data.
MINUS operator is not supported in RDBMS like MYSQL and SQL server.
This is all about set operators in SQL and I hope you are able
to understand all the set Operators please try with different columns and table
to see the result and output.
Please go through this blog and let me know if you have any
It is very useful for me. Thanks...
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