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Basic Shell Programming in Unix #DOTC_Mdb

  Basic Shell Programming in Unix. Hello Everyone, Today we will discuss about how to write simple shell program in Unix and in next blog we will discuss more about shell scripts. Before starting basic shell programming please go through my below blog related with Unix command so that you can able to write basic shell programs.   I am writing one basic simple script which will list all the files in the current directory , also it will show the present working directory name as well as all the process running in the system. Suppose we create a script , the scripts would have the .sh extension. Before you add anything else to your script, you need to alert

Advance Unix Command Part 2 #DOTC_Mdb

Advance Unix Command Part 2. Hello Everyone, In my Previous blogs I already discussed about several commands which commonly used in Unix . Today I will discuss some more command which commonly used in Unix . Before starting new commands I will suggest you to please go through my below blogs for Unix command .   Let’s start with Unix command : Connect to a remote mysql database. Below is the command to connect remote mysql database as well as local mysql database. Note : You should first now the host name to connect mysql database as well as password. $ mysql -u u255474504_root -p -h Connect to a local mysql database. $ mysql -u   u255474504_root –p Below is the output of above command in putty Terminal.   How to change y

Advance Unix Command Part1 #DOTC_Mdb

  Advance Unix Command Part1 .   Hello Everyone, In Previous blogs I discussed about basic Unix command which is commonly used. Today I will discuss some advance command of Unix which is mostly used in organization.   Please see my below blogs related to Basic Unix command for your reference. Let’s Start with Unix command. Find Command to find the modified files 30 days ago. Note : We can give any number of days Important : -mtime +30 means you are looking for a file modified 30 days ago and -mtime -30 means less than 60 days. Command is as below: find /home -iname "*.txt" -mtime - 30 –print Find Command to Display   content of file on screen that were last modified 30 days ago. find /home/   -iname "*.txt" -mtime -30 -exec cat {} \; Below is the output of above commands in putty Termina

Basic and some Advance Command in Unix #DOTC_Mdb

                  Basic and some Advance Command in Unix    Hello Everyone, In my Previous Blog we discussed about some basic command of Unix which is commonly used. Today I will discuss more about some more important command which is commonly used. Before starting new commands please go through my previous blog for your reference. Control Command in Unix : In Unix we have some key command through which we can terminate as well as command can run in background. Below are the key command and it’s uses in terminal. Control-C: Command terminates the currently running foreground process. Control-D: Command terminates the currently running login or terminal session. Control-Z: Command suspends the currently running foreground process to the background.   To see the process by using ps –ef command : This command shows every process running , and result shows with PID. I am running this command in Pu

Basic and Commonly used command in Unix #DOTC_Mdb

Basic and Commonly used command in Unix. Hello Everyone , In Previous Blog I have discussed about the basic concept of Unix Operating System .Today I will provide a summary of some of the common basic and advanced Unix commands along with the commonly used syntax for those commands.In next blog i will come up with some Advance command in Unix. Before starting command please see my previous blog of Unix as below for your understanding: Logging into Unix System: Once you login to the system, it will show a login prompt for the user to enter their username and password. If the user enters a valid username and password, then the system will log in the user and start a login session. After this, the user can open a terminal that runs a shell program and able to write commands. Logging out of Unix : When the user want to end their session, they can terminate their session by logging out of the terminal or