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Basic SQL Commands in Oracle Database #Diksha Oracle Training Centre

  Basic SQL Commands in Oracle Database.   Hello Everyone, In my previous blog I discussed about SQL and Classification of SQL . Today I will discuss about SQL basic commands which widely used in RDBMS. The Topics of SQL command which I am going to cover in this blog are mainly divided into four Categories: ·         DDL:   DDL consists of commands which are used to define and design the database. ·         DML:   DML consists of commands which are mainly used to manipulate the data in the database. ·        DCL: DCL Consists of commands which deal with the user permissions/access and controls in the database. ·       TCL:   TCL Consist of commands which deal with the transaction in the database. If you want to explore theory part please follow my below blog as in today blog I will discuss about how to use the commands.   Apart from above topics, I will also cover below

SQL and Classification of SQL in Oracle Database #Diksha Oracle Training Centre

  SQL and Classification of SQL in Oracle Database.   SQL is Structured Query Language , which is used for storing, manipulating and retrieving data stored in a relational database .SQL is the standard language for RDBMS. All the Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) like Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, Informix, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server use SQL as their standard database language. Oracle is one of the more secured database as compared to other databases. Importance of   SQL : SQL and PL/SQL is a backend process where all data is stored and retrieved in GUI which created either by any programming languages like Java, C++, PHP etc. so we need to have very secure database so that there will be no impact for users. SQL allows users to access data in the relational database management systems. SQL is used to communicate with a database.SQL and PL/SQL allows users to create and drop databases tables , views , stored procedures , functions , packages , trigger etc. SQL allows

Explicit Cursor and For Cursor loop with Examples in PL/SQL Anonymous Block #DOTC_mdb

  Explicit Cursor and For Cursor loop with Examples in PL/SQL Anonymous Block. Hello Everyone, Today we will see some examples of both Explicit and FOR CURSOR loop with some practical examples in Oracle PL/SQL Anonymous Block. Please see my previous blogs where I discussed about syntax and some basic examples of Cursor and also idea about %type and % rowtype uses in PL/SQL block for your reference.   Now let’s start first with explicit cursor with one Program, as we know in Explicit Cursor programmers are allowed to create named context area to execute their DML operations to get more control over it. Explicit cursor is created on a SELECT Statement which returns more than one row. We can provide a suitable name for the cursor for reference so that we can use that cursor name in PL/SQL block. The steps involved in creat